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Friday 1 February 2008

Warm Up The Engine

It was challenging to get the virtual trading going. However, I managed to jump those hurdles and move forward.
First of all, I did not get the specific tools to run accordingly. Then, it was to make the first step to use the virtual trading. We are talking about virtual trading here. Yet, I was so nervous and also a little bit doubtful of myself with a lot of question swirling around in my head. Finally, I decided on one strategy; revised on the notes; do some researches and ended up using two strategies. There were mistakes I made or things I overlooked but that’s OK. I am supposed to learn from the process, even through mistakes. These mistakes made me revised the notes again and triggered me to try another strategy. The key is not giving up; stand up from the fall a better person and keep moving forward.
I visited a flea market at The Curve and bought some cute key chains to resell at ebay. However, I am more excited with the virtual trading at the moment and give concentration on that. I am anxious to get more comfortable with the virtual trading so that I can try conquering starting an internet business and selling through ebay.


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